Monday 5 October 2015

Perfect Monday night dinner - Lean Steak Mince and Mixed Veg in Tomato Sauce

Loosely inspred by Spaghetti Bolognese or Chilli Con Carne, here is my take on beef mince in tomato sauce, whatever you wanna call it. For added nutrients, I've packed it full of colourful vegetables. Yellow and red bell peppers are in season right now. They come quite cheap, so why not use what they offer? And they come oozing with vitamin C, carotenoids and other antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. No need to follow an exact recipe. It's very much about what you have in your frindge right now.  So a perfect Monday night dinner then... :)


Prepare your vegetabes: chop the onion (I've chosen the red spring onions for their vibrant colour and spicy sweetness), crush the garlic (4-5 cloves), wash and roughly cut your peppers (any colour, I've chosen yellow and red as they are full of antioxidants) and some white mushrooms. Throw in some frozen peas (or fresh if you prefer). Put them all into a large pan and fry briefly until softened. You can choose any vegetables you feel like. Your fridge should be the main inspiration as no one really has time to go shopping on Monday, straight after work. Beware however, that some vegetables (like carrots or green beans) will require longer cooking time. Move the mixed vegetables to a bowl when cooked.
Toast the spices (paprika, black pepper, tumeric) on the same pan you used for vegetables, until fragrant. You can add cumin, cinnamon or even a bit of cocoa powder for the chilli con carne flavours, or some basil, oregano for the more spaghetti bolognese feel.

Fry the steak mince on no or very little rapeseed oil until it's brown. Add some tomato paste, tip all the cooked vegetables into the meat. Mix thoroughly. You can add some cream cheese or flavoured Boursin to take the edge of the sour tomato sauce. Season to taste.

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